Our Research

Completed Studies

Silent Voices:
The Needs of Divorced Women in the Orthodox Community
October 2022

What are the needs of divorced women in the Orthodox Jewish community in the United States and Canada? How can the community better support this vulnerable population?

Taxpayer Savings from NJ Nonpublic Schools May 2022

How much money do nonpublic schools, including Jewish day schools, save New Jersey taxpayers each year? A research study in cooperation with Teach Coalition

The Shidduch Landscape: Finding a Spouse in the Orthodox Community

What are the experiences of single men and women actively dating throughout the Orthodox Jewish community in the United States? What are they seeking in a spouse? How do they date? How do they feel? What do they want from the Orthodox community?

COVID-19 Community Portrait Study July 2021

How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect Orthodox Jews’ religious behaviors, religious beliefs, and identification with Orthodoxy? How did it affect their overall emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing? How did the financial situation of Orthodox Jews change, if at all, during the coronavirus outbreak?