Silent Voices:
The Needs of Divorced Women in the Orthodox Community

Silent Voices:<br>The Needs of Divorced Women in the Orthodox Community

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Sister to Sister
October 2022

This report contains a systematic assessment of the needs of divorced women in the Orthodox Jewish community in the United States and Canada. Findings of this study are based on survey data gathered from 525 members of Sister to Sister, a nonprofit organization that provides resources and a support network to divorced women in the Orthodox community.

The women surveyed were economically vulnerable, and those with children were carrying most of the burden of childcare. They felt lonely and stigmatized, and many lacked confidence in Jewish institutions, leading to feelings of distance from G-d. The women believed strongly that the community should create a more formal infrastructure for education about divorce and domestic violence, and for supporting divorced women. Specifically, they were seeking mental health services, financial help,  parenting support, legal assistance, and help finding a shidduch.

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