The Orthodox Community and COVID19
What’s the impact of the coronavirus on the health, stability, and religious lives of Orthodox Jews? How do we plan for the road ahead? The Center is embarking on a major study to answer these questions and more.
What’s the impact of the coronavirus on the health, stability, and religious lives of Orthodox Jews? How do we plan for the road ahead? The Center is embarking on a major study to answer these questions and more.
Congrats to Lior Melnick for winning our photo contest and $1,000! His winning photo, titled: Eishet Chayil, Will I Find?, was chosen for its creativity, quality, originality and responsiveness to the prompt. Thank you again to all of you who entered our competition. Lior Melnick’s winning photo, titled: Eishet Chayil, Will I Find? From left […]
Orthodox Union launches data collection and analysis center It will focus its research on how Jews learn to live Jewish lives, the diverse journeys they take in that process and the ways in which Jewish communal institutions influence behavior and sentiment. BY ELIZABETH KRATZ Matt Williams, director of the OU Center for Communal Research. Credit: Courtesy. […]
FROM THE DESK OF ALLEN I. FAGIN, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE ORTHODOX UNION Data-Driven Decision Making: A Communal Imperative ALLEN I. FAGIN As our society—and our community—becomes ever more complex, the need for objective, fact-based decision making is increasingly becoming a communal imperative. No longer can we rely on instinct or assumption. Like any […]
I was never comfortable counting Jews. Perhaps, it was the numbers violently drawn into Jews during the Final Solution that so firmly etched themselves in my mind. Perhaps, it was waiting for a minyan on Shabbat afternoon, whispering “Hoshea,” “Et,” “Amecha,” etc. reciting a verse of ten words as opposed to counting off men one […]